10/12/2015 Many congratulations to Donghee on the birth of his son!
09/2015 Kale Golden (UNL Biological Sciences) and Hamood Al Rahbi (UNL MME) joined the lab for their independent research. Welcome, Kale and Hamood!
08/2015 Nick Bohlim (UNL Biological Systems Engineering) joined the lab for his UCARE project on the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe. Welcome, Nick!
08/2015 Donghee's paper on 3D confocal microscopic indentation method is published in Langmuir (coauthored by our previous MS student Rony). Congratulations, Donghee!
08/11/2015 Summer lab lunch at Blue Orchid.

07/2015 Eun G. Chung (UNL Physics) join the lab for his independent research. Welcome, Eun!
06/2015 Alexis Moran (University of Florida, Biological Engineering) and Brittany Gonzalez (Georgia Institute of Technology, Biomedical Engineering) joined the lab for Summer Research Program in Biomedical Engineering. Welcome, Lexi and Brittany!
12/4/2014 Jiazhong has finished his master thesis defense successfully. Congratulations, Jiazhong!
07/14/2014 Than Nguyen (UNL ChemE) joined the lab as a UCARE student and will work on microfluidic device
fabrications for cell mechanics research. Weclome, Than!
08/2014 Lab group picture

07/07/2014 Luz Sotelo (ME undergraduate of University of Texas-Pan American) joined the lab as a summer
research intern and will investigate swimming behaviors of Vorticella in various confinements for five
weeks. Welcome, Luz!
04/22/2014 Md. Mahumudur (Rony) Rahman has finished his master thesis defense successfully. Congratulations!
04/12/2014 Congratulations to Sangjin on his second boy!
04/10/2014 Sangjin Ryu is chosen for the First Award Program of the NSF-supported Nebraska EPSCoR
12/20/2013 John Davidson is awarded a Nebraska Engineering Recruitment Fellowship. Congratulations!
12/02/2013 John Davidson has finished his master thesis defense successfully. Congratulations!
08/13/2013 Group picture of the Bio/Flow Systems Lab.

05/24/2013 Our project on effects of ECM mechanics on breast stem cells, in collaboration with the Band
group at UNMC, is chosen for Bioengineering for Human Health Grant of UNL and UNMC.
03/27/2013 Our project on the mixing effect of Vorticella is chosen for Layman Seed Greant of UNL.
10/23/2012 Sangjin Ryu is selected to participate in the Research Development Fellows Program of UNL.
12/27/2012 The lab is now ready for research.

11/09/2012 Finally lab remodeling is finished, and basic lab supplies and equipments wait to be unpacked.

09/01/2012 Timothy Mastny (MME sophomore) joined the lab as a UCARE undergraduate researcher.
08/20/2012 Lab remodeling has finally begun, and is expected to be finished in early September.
08/15/2012 Congratulations to Rony on his new baby boy!
08/01/2012 Three graduate students joined the lab: Jiazhong Zhou, Donghee Lee and MD. Mahmudur Rahman.
07/23/2012 A new paper entitled "Maximum Force Characterisitics of the Ca2+-powered Actuator of Vorticella
convallaria" is accepted for Biophysical Journal. Congratulations!
07/03/2012 Lab remodeling will begin soon. Now the lab is almost empty and ready for remodeling.
We appreciate Dr. Barton for his generous donation of the optical table.

02/01/2012 John Davidson joined the lab. John is the very first graduate student of the lab!
11/01/2011 Sangjin Ryu joined as an assistant professor the Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, which is the beginning of the Bio/Flow Systems Research Lab.